Troy Andrew Thompson, MD

Songs and stories to discover your purpose through suffering.

Find your hope and joy again.

Latest Posts

  • Burnout (Part II)
    The best way to Burnout is not to follow any map, but to spin in tight circles at your regular job as fast as you can. Every job requires spinning—usually clockwise—though it’s often called something else, like a “Quality Initiative” or “Five Nines of Certainty.” Start spinning immediately.
  • Burnout (Part I)
    If you were wondering why I hadn’t written for six months, it’s because I wintered in Burnout. If you’ve ever stopped there, you understand. How I ended up walking aimlessly across an open, dusty prairie, with paper in one hand and a stylus in the other, I can only speculate.
  • Embers of Burnout, Flames from Earth
    Join us unencumbered across the arm of space and the reach of the ages. Let us consider together our hurts, our hopes, and our dreams, despite the distance, and encourage each other to sustain the embers of life.
  • A bit of author journey and a smidge of aging humor
    I’m traveling today with my son Ben to the American Christian Fiction Writers’ National Convention in New Orleans. My hat’s in the ring there for a First Fifteen Pages contest for unpublished authors.
  • The Pros and Cons of Lifting Weights
    Are you wondering about the pros and cons of lifting weights? Let’s start with the cons. If you begin lifting weights, you will have new expenses, starting with food. My wife, Lori, and I had five teenagers at one time. One of them was a powerlifter who ate like three men. Every week, Lori bought the food for the family. Each time, she filled multiple carts at the grocery store. Dismayed cashiers frequently asked her what big event she was preparing for. “No event,” she said. “It’s just for our family.”

I Need Your Help

Dear friends:

            Here’s my pitch: “On an ancient dystopian fantasy earth, the incomparable VOICE of WONDER summons two young people from antagonistic Stone-Age tribes to flee their homeland, to unite in marriage—one woman to one man—to defeat an ancient curse, and to become the mother and father of a new people.”

Crumble’s End: A Novel

Two unlikely teenage heroes answer the Creator’s call to run, explore, and redeem a broken land. They are captured by wild beasts, then rescued by strange people; they are imprisoned, and they escape; they fulfill prophecies and bring deliverance. The opposer of the Creator’s plan delivers some hard blows; he gains a large following of Celestial host and even poisons the promised land. But the heroes lead their small nation, comprised of multiple peoples, on a desperate last march to a good land, free of the toxic air.

Dialogues of Solly and TAT

First Contact

February 3, 2021

TAT: Mr. Solly, I appreciate your time. I have been called TAT by my father, who was a writer, so that’s the name I’d like to use for our purposes. I have heard you are wise but compassionate, and eager to help people like me accomplish their goals.

SOL: You have heard correctly. You are a doctor, no? But you desire no title before or after your name?

TAT: You know that I do not. My words must speak for themselves, without announcement, without capital letters. The M.D. is a medical degree, and I trust it will be useful for informing my writing. It should give heft to my medically related messages. But I am gasping beneath the waves of modern medicine. In the words of Edna St. Vincent Millay, I am pinned down and moaning for release. What lost sailor, sinking as I am, would not trade his iron anchor for a floating spar?