22 July 2023
Dear friends:
Here’s my pitch: “On an ancient dystopian fantasy earth, the incomparable VOICE of WONDER summons two young people from antagonistic Stone-Age tribes to flee their homeland, to unite in marriage—one woman to one man—to defeat an ancient curse, and to become the mother and father of a new people.”
That’s Crumble’s End: Flame and Scar, compressed to a single sentence. My first completed novel. It’s a Sarai and Abram story with roles reversed, where the leading woman, CHALAN, is honored at least as much as her man, DIASIC. Eventually Chalan gives birth to 12 daughters, who become the mothers of 12 tribes.
Ouch. But all these heroes are overcomers of extraordinary pain.

I will dedicate this first book to my father, the high school English teacher J. Michael Thompson. He believed in all his students, including me, and left bold fingerprints on everyone he met.
Would you join me on my epic journey, pack your rucksack and travel beside me on my impetuous venture to publication? My grandfathers were prudent men–to a fault–and blunt; “Don’t be a writer,” they said. But can you dream with me anyway, even against the longest of odds? Could we team up, through mutual encouragement, to produce images and dialogue so wonderful that they will endure beyond our lifetimes? Might we create an art, through the frailty of pen and ink, that speaks to hungry souls for generations?
This writer’s road continues beyond the horizon, across the canyons, through deserts littered with bones. I shade my lonesome eyes and squint into the setting sun. But if you partner with me, this unlikely adventure could become our quest—yours and mine. Indeed, I hope every reader becomes my equal partner. Do not the reader and writer ride together on their horses, alternating turns in the lead? Do they not tie down their hats, mount their sweaty beasts, and charge fearlessly together into the punishing heat, the blinding sandstorms, and the torrential rains?
Maybe not always! But if you believe you can stick with me through this strenuous journey, would you leave me a comment at TroyAndrewThompson.com or write to me at TroyAThompsonMD@gmail.com? I would treasure your partnership.
Thank you,

17 responses to “Call to Adventure”
Always a brave, determined soul TAT tackles his next marathon.
Looking forward to following your journey
Thanks, Dennis!
Sounds really interesting. I’ll give it a go.
Vicki Mortimore
Thanks, Vicki.
Sounds really interesting. I’ll give it a go.
So excited for you and your writing. I will be checking this out!
Thanks, Janet. You’ve been a wonderful encourager.
Sounds good I will check them out
Thanks, Cathy.
Hi, TAT, You are an awesome MD. and a great writer. Looking forward to exploring your wonderful writings. Bless you.
Thanks, Marielle.
It sounds good I would love to read it
I’ll send you a few pages. I’d love to receive your feedback! Thanks, Cathy.
Came across your card you gave me a while ago when I was in for an appointment. Looks interesting. Usually read between 20 to 40 books per year; however, very few of the dystopian line. Let me know how to get started. Thanks.
Thanks, Mike. I’ll get a portion of my WIP into your hands. Your feedback is much appreciated. Over the last eight years of writing, my skin has thickened. Just yesterday I was mistaken for a hippopotamus by the zookeeper. Do not be afraid of hurting my feelings! But if you have good comments to make on the book, here’s the perfect place to post them. Thank you. TAT
Highly descriptive blog, I liked that bit. Will there
be a part 2?
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I’d like to do subsequent parts to many of these posts after I rebound from some difficult life circumstances. Thank you, Florine.