Tag: Healing

  • Rescue is Coming for Those Who Suffer with Chronic Pain

    Rescue is Coming for Those Who Suffer with Chronic Pain

    To the young woman, utterly lost and sore-afraid, imprisoned in the Underground, I say, “Hold on!” To the old man, desperate with pain and blinded by the darkness, I say, “I am coming.” Listen for my voice and follow me. I am heading out of this wicked place in due time.

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  • The Promise and the Lawsuit, Part Two

    The Promise and the Lawsuit, Part Two

    Everybody breaks. Some teenagers might never imagine that the laws of entropy and the facts of mortality apply to them. (See “Too Dumb Things,” by TAT!) Similarly, some newlyweds may not know, especially if they are young, that they, themselves, will break. Physically, mentally, or emotionally, their beloved partner will also break.

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  • A Song for Sammie

    A Song for Sammie

    I’m searching for somebody—the person I can help the most through my writing. I don’t know her real name, because she’s a private person, but sometimes I call her Suffering Sammie. If you see her, or if you know where she lives, could you tell her I’m still looking for her? That I never gave…

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