Turnabout and the Common Cold
Troy Thompson
Turnabout is fair play. That’s what one of my physician mentors, Ken O’Neill, told me. In essence, sharp, witty replies are acceptable, even when they flash some teeth.
Day 90 on the Gravanok
Troy Thompson
It’s been three months today since we set sail with Captain TAT. The boys-a are becoming men-ya. There have been no fistfights in over a week, and we’ve had no deaths, despite the two who went overboard in shark-filled waters.
Theseus Descending
Troy Thompson
There must be 101 ways to hurt. All of them are rotten. Some of them change us. Even tiny things can pack a wallop. Consider these five: a hornet sting on the hand; a scratch across the eye; a kidney stone on its journey; a gout flare in the toe; and a burned finger on…