475lb Deadlift


Songs and stories to discover your purpose through suffering.

Find your hope and joy again.

6 responses to “475lb Deadlift”

  1. Great job Troy. Very impressive lift. Love learn more how you improved so much from 30’s to 50’s.
    Have you read or spoken on this.

    • To Larry–my former senior medical resident back in Tulsa, OK–In my fantasy novels I address many medical diseases without giving them their proper names. My hope is that one day, medical directors will tell their students, “You have two weeks off. Go home. Reread that series by Thompson, only this time read it like a doctor. Write up a report on at least twenty medical diseases buried in the text. How accurately are they portrayed? How many diseases you can find? So far, no one student has found them all.”

      As to the complexity of managing and overcoming chronic pain, like the fibromyalgia that dominated decades of my life, there is no single answer. Many interventions help, including diet, exercise, medication, attitude, and–for some–even faith. Over the course of this entire series, I hope to consider the majority of the implications of unseen, chronic pain on individuals, families, and societies. I hope to show varied responses to the distress–and varied outcomes–but ultimately offer hope and purpose to those who suffer, seemingly alone, with agony beyond description.

      As the day of publication approaches, I will be speaking more about the characters in my books. Hopefully my personal experience of suffering, while practicing medicine and raising five children, will come through in those discussions and help others. If that happens, then even my hardships will have had a purpose; they will not have been in vain.

  2. Hi Troy. I’m just discovering your blog. Sorry that you had so much pain in earlier years but glad to hear that you’re on the upswing now!
    I read a couple of your blog entries and enjoyed them. You’re showing an artistic side of you I didn’t know you had! Very good! I am looking forward to reading some of your books.

  3. C’mon doc…that’s all you’ve got left in the tank?!

    Just kidding, us ol’ timers have to stick together. Great lift to my favorite family doctor!

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