Crumble’s End is an epic adventure on an ancient fantasy earth, a torrent of suffering and perseverance, discovery and delight. Two unlikely teenage heroes answer the Creator’s call to run, explore, and redeem a broken land. With great athleticism and a bird of healing, they flee from their own tribes and solemnly commit themselves to each other: one woman to one man. Their calling is like Sarai and Abram’s, but their battles are like those of Gilgamesh. They are captured by wild beasts, then rescued by strange people; they are imprisoned, and they escape; they fulfill prophecies and bring deliverance. The opposer of the Creator’s plan delivers some hard blows; he gains a large following of Celestial host and even poisons the promised land. But the heroes lead their small nation, comprised of multiple peoples, on a desperate last march to a good land, free of the toxic air. There a new nation is established, the first beacon of hope for all those yet in slavery.
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