Crumble’s End

Crumble’s End is an epic adventure on an ancient fantasy earth, a torrent of suffering and perseverance, discovery and delight. Two unlikely teenage heroes answer the Creator’s call to run, explore, and redeem a broken land. With great athleticism and a bird of healing, they flee from their own tribes and solemnly commit themselves to each other: one woman to one man. Their calling is like Sarai and Abram’s, but their battles are like those of Gilgamesh. They are captured by wild beasts, then rescued by strange people; they are imprisoned, and they escape; they fulfill prophecies and bring deliverance. The opposer of the Creator’s plan delivers some hard blows; he gains a large following of Celestial host and even poisons the promised land. But the heroes lead their small nation, comprised of multiple peoples, on a desperate last march to a good land, free of the toxic air. There a new nation is established, the first beacon of hope for all those yet in slavery.

20 responses to “Crumble’s End”

  1. Donna Schmutte Avatar
    Donna Schmutte

    Troy, the novel looks very interesting. Good luck with publishing it.

    1. Troy A Thompson Avatar

      Thank you, Doug!
      With the help of some clever young folks, I’m trying to establish an e-newsletter, a tool for communicating monthly with every hardy adventurer willing to join me on the perilous quest to first publication. The journey is long and the pay is terrible. But perhaps the reward will be worth it in the end. Could I count you in for that rugged journey?

  2. C jackson Avatar
    C jackson

    Storyline is intriguing, when is it’s release date

    1. Troy Thompson Avatar
      Troy Thompson

      If an agent takes my book today and finds a publisher tomorrow, it may be about a year until the first book is published. The second book has been written–though there’s always room for improvement–and I’m starting in on the broad strokes for books 3 and 4. If the books start coming out at Christmas 2024, perhaps all ten books could be published by summer 2029.

  3. Katrina Avatar

    I thought I’d get to start reading , not just get an overview . I want to read the story! Hope you get it done soon, I can always find time to read. I’m expecting something I can’t put down once I start.

    1. Troy Thompson Avatar
      Troy Thompson

      I will investigate what is prudent to post prior to publication. Thanks, Katrina!

    2. Troy Thompson Avatar
      Troy Thompson

      That’s exactly what I hope you say after you pick it up!

      1. Kathy Joyce Avatar
        Kathy Joyce

        Hi Troy,
        Let me know when it gets published. I’ll pass the info on to my kids. They love to read fantasy.

        1. Troy Thompson Avatar
          Troy Thompson

          Will do. Thanks, Kathy.

  4. MK Avatar

    Looks to be one of the great adventures of our generation! I can see the passion and dedication just in the overview.

  5. Karen Pieplow Avatar
    Karen Pieplow

    After reading 23 chapters, I realized why Troy Thompson got such a gleam of pride in his eyes when he told me that he had written a book.. He is masterful in detail and in his storytelling. He even included a glossary, a breakdown of characters, as well as many poems, proverbs and songs at the end of the book.

    For readers who enjoy the Fantasy genre, this book will be one that can not be put down. Congrats on your remarkable endeavor!

    1. Troy Thompson Avatar
      Troy Thompson

      Thanks, Karen.

  6. Abigail Avatar

    After an invitation to read ‘Crumble’s End’, I asked for no introductions or explanations about the book. I wanted to read it, allowing the story to be its only advocate. I was intrigued as I read through the first few pages, but as I continued I became enthralled. Having to constantly remind myself that I have work to do and need to put the book down. the Characters are relatable and personable. As the story progresses you build a connection with them. The Story contains a variety of vivacity, humor, and thought-provoking scenes. The Crumble is written for young and old and all that is in between. Overall the book is a wholesome read.
    I look forward to reading the second Book.

    1. Troy Thompson Avatar
      Troy Thompson

      Thank you for reading and commenting, Abby, on Book 1! I will appreciate your insights on Book 2 as well.

  7. Rob Avatar

    What a fun journey. Thanks for sharing a bit of your writing with us. It will be neat to see how the story unfolds. Very creative.

  8. Mary Avatar

    I am fascinated by fantasy stories and am eager to read this book!

  9. Shannon Avatar

    When Troy asked me to read his book October 2021, I agreed because it’s fun to know the author. But as I began reading it, I realized it was going to be enjoyable because of his talented writing. I quickly grew to love the characters and the plot. Every morning I looked forward to sitting down with it and seeing what new adventures were around the corner. I am excited to see how God uses Troy and his writing to draw others to Him.

  10. Chris J Avatar
    Chris J

    Looking forward to reading the book once it’s published, Troy!

  11. Earl Misch Avatar
    Earl Misch

    Fascinating overview. You have a gift for words.

  12. Genette Byrd Avatar
    Genette Byrd

    Your book seems like it’s going to be real adventurous and exciting to read. I can hardly wait for you to finish.

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