Jubal’s Song


Songs and stories to discover your purpose through suffering.

Find your hope and joy again.


Comfy warm inside the womb until you breathed the air, the bitter chill
Too much! The noise, the light, the thrill, we wrapped you snug, for resting still.
Your mother rocked her child at last, what newborn ever drank so fast?
Such little fingers reaching out, and quiv’ring lip, a tiny pout!

Jubal, Jubal, Jubilee. Welcome to the family!
Your precious mother’s shining face, all sorrow gone without a trace,
Your father smiling in his place, at peace, and ready to embrace,
Your sister wide-eyed watching too, the mystery of life in you.

Your sleepy face begins to break, how quick the smile once you awake,
Raspberry kisses that you make, the tickle laugh whole body shake,
One day you’ll crawl, then pull to stand, tiptoe walking on the land
Summer’s toes upon the sand, and winter’s mittens on your hand.

Jubal, Jubal, Jubilee. Welcome to the family!
Your precious mother’s shining face, all sorrow gone without a trace,
Your father smiling in his place, at peace, and ready to embrace,
Your sister wide-eyed watching too, the mystery of life in you.

If you run across the open miles, grow a beard, and walk the aisle,
And along the path come many trials, you take your action, show your style,
Dearest child of wonder from the start, whose praying parents do their part,
Your face already sculpted art, what music hides within your heart?

Your Father smiling from above is wrapping you with arms of love
How rare the man who’s thinking of the careful plan, the heav’nly dove
The directing finger pointing through the hardest winds that ever blew,
And all of heaven watching too, the mystery of life in you.

Words by Troy Thompson, music by Lori Thompson, 12/25/2021

2 responses to “Jubal’s Song”

    • Thanks, Debbie. My grandson’s name is Jubal. When he was younger, his sister, Hosanna, could not pronounce his name. She switched the “B” and the “J” and called him Bbboojesh. In my second book, I have immortalized this alternate name: “the Bbboojesh” is a mighty beast, the rescuer of an imprisoned people, and the fulfillment of prophecy. So far, there’s only one Bbboojesh–just like there’s only one Jubal.

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